SilverGold Heritage creates and markets a solidarity ingot with which to raise funds to help those affected by the volcano eruption
El viernes 9 de mayo, como ya se anunciaba unos días antes durante la convención anual de la compañía, se procedió a la entrega oficial de la donación de los 10.000 € recaudados tras la exitosa campaña “Mucho más que un lingote”.
En 2021 el rugido del volcán estremeció a los habitantes de La Palma atrayendo la mirada del mundo entero. La lava del volcán arrasó miles de hectáreas llevándose por delante la tierra y las propiedades de una buena parte de la población, dejando una profunda herida que tardará en cicatrizar y no podemos olvidar.
SilverGold Patrimonio no podía quedarse de brazos cruzados y diseñó un lingote solidario de 1 onza troy de plata (pureza 999/1000) cuyos beneficios se donarían a la “Isla Bonita”.
10.000 lingotes, con forma de moneda, diseñadas por SilverGold Patrimonio que se han comercializado a través de la red de consultores, y puestas a la venta en nuestra tienda on-line, donde aún se pueden adquirir algunas unidades.On Friday, May 9, as announced a few days before during the company’s annual convention, the donation of €10,000 raised after the successful “Much more than an ingot” campaign was officially handed over.
In 2021, the roar of the volcano shook the inhabitants of La Palma, attracting the attention of the entire world. The lava from the volcano devastated thousands of hectares, taking away the land and properties of a good part of the population, leaving a deep wound that will take time to heal and we cannot forget.
SilverGold Patrimony could not sit idly by and designed a solidarity ingot of 1 troy ounce of silver (purity 999/1000) whose profits would be donated to the “Isla Bonita”.
10,000 ingots, in the shape of a coin, designed by SilverGold Patrimony that have been marketed through the network of consultants, and put up for sale in our online store, where some units can still be purchased.

José Hilario Martín, a consultant in the Canary Islands, attended the event on behalf of the company, and presented €5,000 to Verónica Candelaria Sánchez, a social worker from the Spanish Red Cross, and €5,000 to Melania Martín Acosta along with Suso Gonzalez, members of the “ emergency operation” of Cáritas Diocesana, in Los Llanos de Aridane.
“We think that financial donations continue to be the “most effective” way to contribute to the recovery of the island, and with this ingot we also wanted to pay tribute to La Palma by immortalizing it in silver,” concludes Javier Lopez Milan CEO of SilverGold Heritage.